
If you have an event definition tied to a Redux action that fires too frequently, you can use this util to limit the frequency of analytics events (e.g. form input).


import debounceEvent from '@redux-beacon/debounce-event';


debounceEvent(msDelay, eventDef)


  • msDelay: number

    • The time in milliseconds that needs to elapse between event definition calls

      before the analytics event is dispatched to a target.

  • eventDef: EventDefinition

    • The event you want to debounce.


import debounceEvent from '@redux-beacon/debounce-event';

// A normal event definition
const searchTerm = (action) => ({
  hitType: 'event',
  eventCategory: 'books',
  eventAction: 'search',
  eventLabel: action.payload

const eventsMap = {
  // Assume that SEARCH_TERM_ENTERED fires whenever a user types a character into
  // an input field.
  SEARCH_TERM_ENTERED: debounceEvent(1000, searchTerm)
  // The analytics event will only fire after 1s since the last entered character

// provide the events map when creating your middleware or meta reducer...

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